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Go ahead; you're on the air

Read: 2004 Comments: 1 Rating: 43

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A team of seven researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, and Georgetown University (Washington, DC) has clearly demonstrated,that an IOS or Android device can be compromised remotely using voice commands transmitted via YouTube.

To gain control over a device, criminals need only to lure the user into watching their video. Usually, the human ear can't pick out the hidden voice commands contained in the clip, but mobile devices can. Digital assistants Siri and Google Now use sound filtering to eliminate noises and execute the instructions given.

For example, attackers can instruct them to open a URL and download malware.

According to security experts, enabling notifications about the receipt and execution of voice commands will successfully protect a device from this threat 99.8 percent of the time.

Modern operating systems—particularly those run by handhelds—know a lot about users. They collect information about our location, actions, commands we input, our preferences, and much more.

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There’s nothing wrong with that since this information is used to offer us all sorts of services and features that may interest us. But, let's be honest: do we really use this abundance of stuff? Besides, all these services reduce battery life.

Our computers are packed with all kinds of software we never use, games we don't play, and services we absolutely don't need.

The Anti-virus Times recommends

  • Disable the services and applications you don’t use. If you don't use Google Now, then:
    • Open Google settings #drweb.
    • Tap Search and Now → Now Cards.
    • Toggle off Show Cards.
    • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete setup.
  • If you no longer use a program, remove it. Any program can have vulnerabilities you aren’t aware of.
  • If you don’t know what a certain running process does, don't be lazy—look it up on the Internet. It is possible that this is a program you don't need.
  • And here is our standard tip: use an anti-virus. It will be of help if there are vulnerabilities you don't know about— and maybe even we at Doctor Web don’t know about. Even if you are a cautious user, an anti-virus is a must-have.


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