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Let's play!

Read: 5138 Comments: 1 Rating: 49

Monday, April 11, 2016

Understanding people's passions and knowing their pursuits pays big dividends for cybercriminals. You like computer games? Well, we (criminals) will easily take advantage of you. Here’s how it works.

Many users prefer freeware and shareware games which are found in abundance on the Internet. However, free cheese is only found in mousetraps

Games of this kind usually display ads. Their setup files can also install other applications on your computer. And the latter often include Trojan horses. But who’s going to pause and reflect when a freebie is just a click away?

  • In early February 2015, a number of applications incorporating the aggressive adware Adware.MobiDash.1.origin were found on Google Play and other software portals. Some of the applications were downloaded by tens of millions of users. After all, they were FREE!
  • Another Trojan—Android.MKcap.1.origin was also concealed inside various games and was used, for example, to subscribe users to various paid services. To accomplish that, a command and control server would send Android.MKcap.1 a link to a web page featuring premium content. After that, the malware would upload a verification code image from the page to a CAPTCHA solving service. As soon the image recognition procedure was complete, the Trojan would automatically send the result to the premium content site to finish the registration process.

The Anti-virus Times recommends

  1. Scan all downloaded files with an anti-virus.
  2. Do not visit sites that the anti-virus lists as being sources of malware. The SpIDer Gate HTTP monitor incorporated into Dr.Web Security Space will help you do just that. It is available under Windows, OS Х, Linux, and Android (referred to as Cloud Checker for the latter). If you haven't entrusted Dr.Web Security Space with the protection of your machine, at least use the free browser plugin Dr.Web Link Checker.
  3. Scan your devices with the Dr.Web scanner regularly. If you don't use Dr.Web yet, take advantage of the emergency scanning utility Dr.Web CureIt!, which is available free of charge for home use.


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