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Does all code pass the smell test?

Read: 18418 Comments: 4 Rating: 7

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Anti-virus Times has written a great deal about the morality of writing malicious code and about users' attitudes towards hackers and different IT-related fraudsters. Oddly enough, occasionally some of them cross over to “the light side of the Force” — take, for example, the hacker who stopped a trojan outbreak without leaving his illegal business.

Marcus Hutchins, the 23-year-old British IT professional credited with neutralising the WannaCry attack, was arrested in the USA on the charge of distributing another malicious program — Kronos.


Is it possible to simultaneously do good and evil, and should people’s migration from one “camp” to the other be regulated?

In September, the Linux Foundation's board of directors adopted a new code of conduct for Linux kernel developers — Code of Conduct (CoC).

The Code of Conduct is based on the standard Contributor Covenant, which is also used by the developers of Ruby on Rails, Swift, Golang, and JRuby. The document describes the rules of conduct for interacting with other programmers and focuses on the prohibition of any discrimination.


According to the new Code, criticism should be stated in a constructive way, and if you find yourself on the receiving end of some critical comments—think it over from all angles. In addition, it is recommended to use inclusive language and be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences. It is forbidden to use sexualised language, insulting comments, personal or political attacks, and public or private harassment.


The document is directed against discrimination, but:

The changes became the reason for new community discord because the new code deviates significantly from the old code, where the immediacy of feedback and the directness of phrasing is considered a natural and effective state for the open development process.


Particular dissatisfaction was caused by the CoC procedure that can prevent any developer from committing his/her code if participants decide that they don't like the author's personality.


We’ve nothing more and nothing less to say on the subject!

#hacker #cybercrime

The Anti-virus Times recommends

What do you think, should we trust criminals, including known virus writers, if they offer a solution to some security problems?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes, but the situation must be kept under tight control

Should specialists include code developed by a known virus writer in one of their products, or should they find a different solution?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Include it, but check it


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