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When you need a doctor, but not Doctor Web

Read: 3074 Comments: 2 Rating: 44

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Improvements in living conditions do not necessarily change life for the better. For example, our pre-historic ancestors would have a hard time imagining people in developed countries suffering from obesity. And few knew about such diseases as cancer until recently.

Computers, which have entered our life and established a firm foothold in it, are causing problems that people never had to contend with in the pre-computer era. Well, they had problems of their own, but the world is changing quickly, and nowadays few people risk damaging their eyesight to read blueprints. More often than not they stare at computer screens for that.

Aching muscles? Muscle fatigue is one of the most common complaints among PC users. Back, chest, arm, shoulder, and foot pain also rank right up top. Of course, there exist all sorts of posters showing the correct posture for sitting behind a computer and how we should organise our workspaces. But let's be honest: how many of us follow those recommendations? Too few. However, even such small details as correct posture when sitting at a desk can eliminate many risks.

If moving your hand with a mouse causes you pain, it’s good reason to pause and reflect. Perhaps, you should change how you handle your mouse and keyboard. When using a mouse, try to move your entire arm. If you aren't typing, relax your hands rather than keep them hovering over the keyboard as if standing guard. Try to type smoothly and gently.

Do you have problems with your vision or your eyes? You may be concentrating too much on the screen and "forgetting" to blink. Or, perhaps, your monitor is too bright or it reflects another light source (this often happens with modern, glossy displays), or maybe it flickers. Change the display's position to make sure it doesn't catch light; move away from it, and if you don't need the information displayed, look in another direction and don't forget to blink.

When you go to bed, do you have trouble falling asleep? Perhaps, you read books on your smartphone or tablet? It is believed that the brightness of the display is more or less similar to that of daylight. And while you hope reading at night will help you drift off, your body thinks that the sun is still up and that it’s not yet time to sleep. There is a program that can fix this problem: It automatically adjusts the screen colour and brightness to warmer and softer colours at sunset which helps the body follow a normal sleep cycle. The idea turned out to be so great that many mobile devices let users turn on night mode straight out of the box. Check whether your handheld supports this mode and if it does, turn it on!


The Anti-virus Times recommends

Remember that Dr.Web anti-viruses cure computers, but they can't cure people, and if you have health issues, see a doctor! Well, prevention is even better—hopefully our recommendations will help and you won't need doctors.

Take good care of yourself.


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