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For parents: about digital hygiene for schoolchildren

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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The start of a new academic year is a crucial period that requires parents of schoolchildren to think about, among other things, digital hygiene. What are their children reading and watching on the Internet? Who are they talking to? How do they make online surfing secure for them?

What are the risks?

Of course, parents know that the Internet is far from the safest place. The main dangers that a child may face here include:

  • Information that promotes violence, incites hatred, contains adult content, etc.
  • Cyberbullying (attacks), sexual harassment or the imposition of non-traditional, asocial relations and values.
  • Scammers who instil in children a propensity for gambling, lure confidential information out of them about themselves and their parents, and also make them materially or in some other way dependent upon them.
  • The risk of encountering malware and other dangerous programs.

What you can do to ensure the security of your children

First, tell your children about the potential threats they may face on the Internet. Second, install a parental control module: for example, Doctor Web's special software . At the same time, explain to your children that you are doing this in order to protect them.

The Dr.Web Parental Control module for PCs contains tools that parents can use to:

  • filter out unwanted Internet traffic,
  • limit the use of applications,
  • limit a child’s screen time,
  • block access to files and folders.

Parental Control and additional protection features (such as an URL filter) are also available in Dr.Web anti-virus for Android mobile devices.

How to configure Dr.Web Parental Control

Dr.Web Parental Control is enabled by default for each account and works in the "No restrictions" mode.

To enable or disable Parental Control

  1. In the Dr.Web menu, select Dr.Web Security Center.
  2. In the newly appeared window, click on Parental Control. The "Parental Control" window will open.
  3. Make sure that Dr.Web is running in the administrative mode (the padlock at the bottom of the program window is "open". Otherwise, click on the padlock.
  4. Enable or disable Parental Control for the desired user, using the appropriate switch.

Before you configure restrictions for the user, make sure that this user does not have administrative privileges. Otherwise, your child will be able to change the Parental Control settings and disable access restrictions.

To open the Parental Control settings

  1. Make sure that Dr.Web is running in the administrative mode (the padlock at the bottom of the program window is "open". Otherwise, click on the padlock.
  2. In the Parental Control window, click on the tile with the name of the user for whom you want to configure Parental Control. A window with the Parental Control parameters will open for the selected user.
  3. Select the needed tab to configure Parental Control:
    • Internet — configure access to Internet resources.
    • Time — configure access to the computer and the Internet.
    • Files and Folders — configure access the to file system.

The Anti-virus Times recommends

Remember yourself, and tell your children, that:

  • It’s never worth downloading pirated software using torrents: yes, it's free, but it's not safe. In addition, it's illegal.
  • Suspicious emails and links sent from unknown email addresses should never be opened.
  • Communication on the Internet is not a game. Prohibit children from communicating online with strangers.
  • The Dr.Web anti-virus with its built-in Parental Control has all the features necessary to protect against malware and other cyber threats.

#children #cyberbullying #Dr.Web_settings #non-recommended_sites #Parental_Control


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